
Re: [Networker] Jukebix configuration problem in 5.5.3

2003-02-25 15:52:37
Subject: Re: [Networker] Jukebix configuration problem in 5.5.3
From: "Thomas, Calvin" <calvin.thomas AT NACALOGISTICS DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 12:52:29 -0800
If you can mt the tape drive in the jukebox, the cableing is OK.  If the
robotics are not responding you have one of the following.
1. device driver problem.
2. another process accessing the robotics (my favorite because of the device
busy error)
3. robotics electronics damaged.

You can eliminate 3 if you have the same problem with two different

I had some similar problems when my non-supported jukebox had the timeouts
set wrong.  One process would start something, and the next process would
start too soon.  The result was the jukebox would finish the first process,
and then wait for the second forever. The second process had already sent
the command to the jukebox, and was waiting for the jukebox to complete it.
Result?  Device busy error.

I have had some luck using the fuser command.  I have asked fuser to show
any process that was accessing a specific device driver.  To my surprise it
worked, and I found which process was holding the device busy.

Calvin Thomas
UNIX System Administrator
NACA Logistics

-----Original Message-----
From: Stan Sander [mailto:ssande AT SANDIA DOT GOV]
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Networker] Jukebix configuration problem in 5.5.3

Srini Bala wrote:

>I am getting these errors for both of these as follows :
># ./sjirjc [email protected]
>SJIRJC: Device busy
>Code:0x29, Str=<I/O error>
># ./sjirjc [email protected]
>SJIRJC: Device busy
>Code:0x29, Str=<I/O error>
>This jukebox was always attached but I am not sure if it was working.
>Here is the pkginfo

Is your jukebox indicating it is online and/or ready?  I've seen this
before when a jukebox is not online.  Check the front panel of the
jukebox to make sure it is not in an offline or error state.

Stan Sander - CSU Special Projects
Unix Systems/Server Administrator

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