
Re: [Networker] how to know what was supposed to have run during last day

2002-12-31 12:11:53
Subject: Re: [Networker] how to know what was supposed to have run during last day
From: "Wright, Michael J" <WrightMJ2 AT BP DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 17:11:12 -0000
In our environment, we exclusively use savepnpc, and on each client, in
the pre- command script we run "df" and output it to a file (with a
timestamp), and in the post- command script we also output a timestamp
to the same file. This information (filesystems, backup window) is then
used by a later client side script which uses "mminfo" and double-checks
that all that was supposed to backup actually did. This gives us some
sort of independent verification that we have backed everything up that
was supposed to - it also allows us to check the other pre- and post-
command stuff (oracle database shutdown/startup) runs correctly.

Mick Wright

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Lane [mailto:JLane AT TORONTOHYDRO DOT COM]
Sent: 31 December 2002 16:54
Subject: Re: [Networker] how to know what was supposed to have run
during last day

Dave: unfortunately my environment isn't that simple. I have plenty of
that don't use "All" savesets. I also have funny scheduling
requirements, some groups
that run daily, some weekly. also different backup levels on different
a mess, in other words.
in the meantime I think I'm making a bit of progress on this. it seems
if I run "/usr/bin/savegrp -p GROUP-NAME" I get a projection of what
happen the next time the group runs. I think I can save that output to
file one day, run mminfo the next day and save that output, I should be
to match merge the two. if my Perl is up to it, that is to say.
as far as "silent failures" go I'm probably the poster child. I get
of them that you can shake a stick at, and believe me that's exactly
I'd like to do. a short list of some of them would include:

  - saveset was never started
  - aborted due to inactivity
  - remote host refused an attempted connect operation
  - (emergency) Bad or missing record
  - RPC error, Timed out
  - a remote host did not respond within the timeout period
  - RPC error, Can't encode arguments
  - RPC error, remote system error

I know you didn't respond to this just to hear me complain but some
days I
just can't help myself.
I don't make much use of the saveset completion reports because I've
found them
too voluminous to deal with. the reason I'm trying to write the script
is to get
something shorter and easier to interpret.

Jim Lane
Sr. Technical Consultant
Network Services
Toronto Hydro
office: (416)-542-2820
cell: (416)-896-8576

>>> Dave Mussulman <mussulma AT cs.uiuc DOT edu> 31-Dec-02 11:29:15 AM >>>
On Tue, Dec 31, 2002 at 10:31:40AM -0500, Jim Lane wrote:
> I'm trying to write a script that could be run daily to report on
> Networker has done during the past 24 hours and compare that to what
> should have been done, IE. what filesystems would have been backed up
> all the scheduled groups had run 100%. the first part is fairly
> I've got a little Perl script that parses the output of mminfo,
> it in order and improving the format a little. I'm not sure how to
> proceed with the second part. how can a script know everything that
> scheduled to have been done by Networker? the UNIX GUI has a
> called "preview" under group control that's probably something like
> I want. it lists out what a group will do the next time it runs. I'm
> sure if there's a way to get this information from the command line.
> anybody done anything like this? is there another, simpler way to get
> the information I'm looking for here? what I want is a script that
> be given to Operations where they can run it and flag cases where
> don't get backed up by Networker when they should have been.


If you use 'All' savesets for your clients, I would imagine (hope) the
easiest way to find out what didn't back up would be to review the
Savegroup completion notification.  Usually the failures are listed at
the top.  We have the notification sent via email, and then parse it
through a perl script to generate a report (clients with large
open files, client failures, etc.) and it emails that too.

Every once in a while we'll get a 'silent failure' -- where Networker
will only backup the index for the client, and nothing else, and not
flag it as a failed.  That's something our parser grabs as well.
(This is 6.0.2 ... Anyone know anything about these silent fails, or
they've been fixed/addressed?)


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