
[Networker] NCR Teradata Warehouse ???

2002-12-17 16:17:14
Subject: [Networker] NCR Teradata Warehouse ???
From: Gaddy <xy.0815 AT GMX DOT NET>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 16:07:55 -0500
O.K. it's time for Christmas, not for Legato ...
... but here we go:

Mgmt. is planning to install NCR Teradata Warehouse
(on NCR equipment)... ooops.

At the moment NCR doesn't support Legato and vice versa.
Legato say's, that they do not have plans for the near future.

Anybody out there is doing some kind of NCR Backups with NetWorker?
Experiences to share? Is it possible anyway?

Yes, I know Veritas and Backbone can do NCR,
but I'd prefer Legato, because it's already in place
< and sometimes running :-) >

Thanks a lot -Steffen-
Systematics Integrations
Pls. mailto:xy.0815 AT gmx DOT net

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