
Re: [Networker] ready for writing, idle

2002-10-21 14:31:04
Subject: Re: [Networker] ready for writing, idle
From: Tim Mooney <mooney AT DOGBERT.CC.NDSU.NODAK DOT EDU>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 11:57:52 -0500
In regard to: Re: [Networker] ready for writing, idle, Robert Legate said...:

>I'm not exactly sure what your getting at with your message, however I do
>come across the "ready for writing, idle" message all the time on our
>DLT8000's.  It usually indicates a hung drive and the problem can be
>fixed by executing the "fuser" command i.e   # fuser /dev/rmt/0cbn where
>0cbn us your affected device. This gives you the pid of the process that
>has hung the drive and killing that process (kill -9 [pid] ) will un-hang

I've seen a few different people on the list in the last couple weeks
mention using `kill -9' on one or more NetWorker processes.

Everyone that's doing that is first trying the more "gentle" signals,
right?  I mean -HUP and -TERM, likely in that order.  Hopefully people
aren't going directly for `kill -9' in every situation, because that's
a horrible mistake, especially for a package that opens multiple databases
and may be modifying one or more of them when it gets the signal.

It also sometimes takes a few seconds for a process to respond to the
gentle signals, since the gentle signals allow it to execute any signal
handlers that it may have installed (think: database cleanup and proper
shutdown), and that may take a little while.  Sometimes you need to move
up to using kill -KILL (aka -9), but you should always start with the
other signals first.

Tim Mooney                              mooney AT DOT edu
Information Technology Services         (701) 231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building              (701) 231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164

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