
Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-fd cannot access files from the system still getting [permission denied]

2015-08-11 03:11:27
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-fd cannot access files from the system still getting [permission denied]
From: Josip Deanovic <djosip+news AT linuxpages DOT net>
To: bacula-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 09:09:46 +0200
On Tuesday 2015-08-11 02:40:01 Jing Yang wrote:
> Hi,
>       I have been searching around a lot about “permission denied”
> errors, however, none of them matches my case. I am keeping getting
> Permission denied error on bacula-fd daemon. In the manual, it says
> that run the file system daemon as root. I am assuming it means the
> following, "-rw-r----- 1 root   bacula 1012 Mar  6  2013
> bacula-fd.conf”
> However, it seems not working at all. In addition, I keep other
> configuration files with user as bacula and group as bacula. Is this
> the correct? How can I check whether the daemon is running as root user
> or some others? What does the manual mean by “run file system daemon as
> root”?
> Thanks,
> Jing

It means that the bacula-fd process should be owned by root.
You can check that with ps command, e.g. ps aux | grep bacula-fd

It might be a good idea to get to know how unix works and get
familiarize with the basic and common unix/linux commands before
you continue playing with backup systems.

bacula-fd binary itself supports the option "-u" which is used to
specify the user bacula-fd should use.

You are probably going to use init script provided for easier
bacula-fd starting/stopping and looking into that init script might
give you an idea how to specify the user for the bacula-fd.

For example, on RHEL/Centos, bacula-fd init script would source the
file /etc/sysconfig/bacula-fd which contains variables used to define
the user for the bacula-fd daemon.

Almost certainly you want bacula-fd to run as root but this depends on
your specific needs. In any case you should ensure that bacula-fd
init script is executed by root (like any other init script on the

Josip Deanovic

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