
Re: [BackupPC-users] archiveReq.xxxx.yy

2010-10-27 13:21:46
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] archiveReq.xxxx.yy
From: Jérôme DESPATIS <jerome.despatis AT source-rh DOT com>
To: "General list for user discussion, questions and support" <backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 19:19:09 +0200
Hi Timothy,

Thanks for your post I could achieve my script from the analysis you've done ! (and the perl script given as example)

Yes I confirm you're right, I've started an archive job and cancelled after, and the process is still running... Really strange, maybe a bug in backupPC ?

For the php code, the best way is to use the perl script indeed...

For my concern, as I haven't code a perl script from nearly 10 years, I had to code it into php, but perl is best for this, in order to use (I have no more skills in perl)

I've done a workaround, a simple that justs json_encode a backuppc object, in order to use it on the php side (pecl perl to use perl into php or PHP::interpreter can do the same thing and better but are obsolete and buggy, it doesn't compile in fact on my ubuntu 10.10)

You can find in attachment those 2 files, (don't pay attention to the licence, you can use it of course, or anyone else...)
My php file is specific to my need, not as generic as the test script in perl given on the mailing list, in order to keep it simple for my need

archive.php triggered an archive job for one specific server (it takes the last backup done)

Hope this helps anyone that wants to code it with the php way


Le 27/10/2010 16:52, Timothy J Massey a écrit :
Jérôme DESPATIS <jerome.despatis AT source-rh DOT com> wrote on 10/27/2010 09:19:59 AM:

> I'd like to schedule an archive job (launched by cron)
> While googling I've seen this very interesting post:
> AT lists.sourceforge DOT net/msg04469.html

Hey, that's me!  :)

> And an example code:
> AT lists.sourceforge DOT net/msg04514.html
>  From those inspiratio, i've created a very basic php script that sends
> the correct message to launch the archive job, it's ok and working, I
> can see the launching process in the log
> BUT: if I cancel the archive job with the CGI, everything seems to be
> fine, but ps uax tells me tar process is still active, and in fact the
> archive job is not stopped at all!
> I've created in fact a php script that creates the file
>, xxx being replaced by the pid of my php script
> => maybe backuppc really uses the value of xxx into this filename to
> kill the correct pid ? (and of course, this pid no more exist, as my php
> script is an external script that sends the message to backuppc daemon
> and closes just after)

I don't think so:  the same technique is used by the Perl code to create the archiveReq file.  The reason that's done is to ensure a unique name, not to allow it to know what the PID is.

If you check the Server Status page while an archive is running, you'll see that BackupPC knows the PID of the process properly.

Here's a question:  have you tried using the standard GUI to start and stop an archive?  From my recollection, BackupPC won't kill the tar immediately even when it's started from its own GUI.  I usually have to go in and kill the process manually no matter how the archive job is started.  But my recollection may be incorrect.

On a different note, I would be interested to see your PHP code.

Timothy J. Massey
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Jérôme Despatis
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Attachment: archive.php
Description: application/httpd-php

Description: Perl program

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