
amrestore does not work "NAK: amindexd: invalid service"

2007-07-11 10:35:56
Subject: amrestore does not work "NAK: amindexd: invalid service"
From: Bjoern B <bb AT ic-marl DOT de>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 16:24:57 +0200

here i go again.

Backup works now, but i can´t recover.

Seems to be a problem, because of the bsd/bsdudp/bsdtcp authentication.

We have 3 Amandaserver running.
And a couple of clients.

Amandaserver1 = Version 2.4.2p2
Amandaserver2 = Version 2.4.4p3

Amandaserver3 = Version 2.5.1p1

There is no Problem with Backup to and restore from Amandaserver1 and 2 and the long time ago configured clients.

With Amandaserver3 i could backup different clients, mostly Linux and one Windows.

Amcheck and amdump are successfull.

We could make a successfully amrestore from Amandaserver3 OS CENTOS with AMRECOVER Version 2.4.4p3.

But we can´t do an amrestore from Debian boxes with AMRECOVER Version 2.5.1p1 to Amandaserver3.

I have read about changings in 2.5.1.

For example here

I get the following message when trying:

"amrecover -s Amandaserver3.fqdn"

Error Message:

"AMRECOVER Version 2.5.1p1. Contacting server on localhost ...
NAK: amindexd: invalid service"

Yes i would like to recover from and to localhost.

Because of the successfully amrestore from the Centos with 2.4.4p3 i think that there is no
bsd/bsdudp/bsdtcp authentication configured.


So i´m looking for a solution of my Problem.

Have tried the indicated solution from
but it does not work.

I will put The configfiles to the end.

I think there are 2 possible ways for solving this Problem:

1. Get bsd/bsdudp/bsdtcp authentication working
- with the problem, that the Centos Client cant´t recover the data himself(old amrestore version)

2. Tell amrestore 2.5.1p1 not to use bsd/bsdudp/bsdtcp authentication


The debian amanda package is configured with "--with-bsd-seurity"


more /etc/xinetd.d/amanda
service amanda
       socket_type     = dgram
       protocol        = udp
       wait            = yes
       user            = backup
       group           = backup
       groups          = yes
       server          = /usr/lib/amanda/amandad
       server_args     = -auth=bsd amdump amindexd amidxtaped
       disable         = no


more /etc/xinetd.d/amandaidx
#default: on
# description: The amanda index service
service amandaidx
        disable         = no
        socket_type     = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        wait            = no
        user            = backup
        group           = backup
        server          = /usr/lib/amanda/amindexd


more /etc/xinetd.d/amidxtape
#default: on
# description: The amanda tape service
service amidxtape
        disable         = no
        socket_type     = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        wait            = no
        user            = backup
        group           = backup
        server          = /usr/lib/amanda/amidxtaped


:~# grep -v '#' /etc/inetd.conf

amandaidx stream tcp nowait backup /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/lib/amanda/amindexd
amidxtape stream tcp nowait backup /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/lib/amanda/amidxtaped
amanda dgram udp wait backup /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/lib/amanda/amandad -auth=bsd amdump amindexd amidxtaped


Configure Options

./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/sbin --mandir=/usr/share/man \
                --libexecdir=/usr/lib/amanda --enable-shared\
                --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var/lib \
                --with-gnutar-listdir=/var/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists \
                --with-index-server=localhost \
                --with-user=backup --with-group=backup  \
                --with-bsd-security --with-amandahosts \
                --with-smbclient=/usr/bin/smbclient \
                --with-debugging=/var/log/amanda \
                --with-dumperdir=/usr/lib/amanda/dumper.d \
--with-tcpportrange=50000,50100 --with-udpportrange=840,860 \
                --with-maxtapeblocksize=256 \


snapits from netstat -tupln:

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2246/inetd tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2246/inetd udp 0 0* 2358/xinetd udp 0 0* 2358/xinetd udp 0 0* 2246/inetd


Hope that someone could help me.

