
Re: Estimate timeouts

2003-07-24 08:49:27
Subject: Re: Estimate timeouts
From: Jason Edgecombe <jedgecombe AT carolina.rr DOT com>
To: Toomas Aas <toomas.aas AT raad.tartu DOT ee>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 08:48:14 -0400
Toomas Aas wrote:
Date:          Wed, 23 Jul 2003 11:04:10 -0400
From:          Jason Edgecombe <jedgecombe AT carolina.rr DOT com>

I noticed that the amanda server uses udp port 993 as the src. so the first part of the amanda network conversation goes like this:

server port 993 -> client port 10080 hi
server port 993 <- client port 10080 hi back
server port 993 -> client port 10080 sendsize
server port 993 -> client port 10080 ack sendsize

Is this correct? does amanda always use port 993 as the source port?

It uses a random privileged (<1024) port.

I hypothesize that my dumps are only finishing sometimes because port 993 is blocked by default. port 993 works work only a few minutes until the "allow related" rule timesout.

I understand it you have iptables/netfilter on the server? Then this
might well be the reason. However, then it should also fail during daytime.

When amanda uses tcp instead of udp for the backup, are all of the tcp connections made from the server to the client?

How I I force amanda to use tcp instead of udp?

I have had the backup fail during the day when I run it, but it usuaully fails at night. I think that the estimate times vary and that when the estimate time exceeds some firewall timeout value, then it fails because it no longer fits the iptables "related" rule. Can I use the tcp connections to get around this?

Jason Edgecombe

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