
Amanda, Solaris, and an ADIC Scalar 100

2003-06-19 12:46:10
Subject: Amanda, Solaris, and an ADIC Scalar 100
From: Cow Moo <cow_moo2002 AT yahoo DOT com>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 09:43:51 -0700 (PDT)

I have been a long time user of amanda. I have just purchased an ADIC
Scalar 100 with 2 LTO (LVD) drives. Amanda 2.4.4 is compiled (with
some headaches) under Solaris 8. I have downloaded mtx and can drive
the Scalar fine, however, the drive requires an mt command to
properly eject the tape. I have looked at chg-multi, chg-mtx, chg-zd-
mtx. I cannot find the right script to drive the Scalar AND support
both drives AND allow an offline mt command.

The most success I have had was using the zd-mtx or mtx, but
complains when I try out the script with "chg-zd-mtx -info" command
as described in the examples from Amanda.

<none> no slots available

Here is the config for chg-zd-mtx:

# Now you are ready to set up the variables in the changer
# file.
# All variables are in "changerfile".conf where "changerfile" is set
# in amanda.conf.  For example, if amand! a.conf has:
#       changerfile="/etc/amanda/Dailyset1/CHANGER"
# the variables must be in "/etc/amanda/Dailyset1/CHANGER.conf".
# If "changerfile" is a relative path, it is relative to the directory
# that contains amanda.conf.  That also happens to be the directory
# makes current before running this script.
# Here is a commented out example file with all the variables and
# their default value (if any):
firstslot=1               #### First storage slot (element) --
lastslot=20                #### Last storage slot (element) --
#cleanslot=-1              #### Slot with cleaner tape -- default
is "-1"
#                           #### Set negative to indicate no cleaner
#   # Do you want to clean the drive after a certain number of
#   # NOTE - This is unreliable, since 'accesses' aren't 'uses', and
#   #        have no reliable way to count this.  A single amcheck
#   #        generate as many accesses as slots you have, plus 1.
#   # ALSO NOTE - many modern tape loaders handle this automatically.
# autoclean=0               #### Set to '1' or greater to enable
# autocleancount=99         #### Number of access before a clean.
#havereader=1              #### If you have a barcode reader, set to
offline_before_unload=1   #### Does your robot require an
#                           #### 'mt offline' before mtx unload?
#driveslot=0              #### Drive slot number.  Defaults to the
#                           #### tape device number (e.g. /dev/nst0 is
#                           #### assumed to be robot drive 0).
# poll_drive_ready=NN       #### Time (seconds) between tests to see
#                           #### the tape drive has gone ready
(default: 3).
# max_drive_wait=NN         #### Maximum time (seconds) to wait for
#                           #### tape drive to become ready (default:

I am probably missing a clue in the configuration file. After trying
to get any of the changers to work with both drives AND Barcode
reader AND the robot my brain has been slowly oozing from my ears.

Any help for my predicament will be greatly appreciated!


ps. If! I load a tape with mtx manually and then run Amanda w/o any
changer mode it runs great! But just doesn't have any robot support.

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