
two schedules simultaneously?

2002-08-29 10:30:52
Subject: two schedules simultaneously?
From: "Wayne Byarlay" <wab AT purdue DOT edu>
To: <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 09:02:23 -0500

I currently run Amanda with a 15-day dump cycle, Mon-Fri, called

I want to know if it's possible to do the following:

1. Make DailySet1 only run Mon-Thur;
2. Create a "WeeklySet1", with a 5-tape rotation, scheduled for Fridays,
doing a level 0 on all filesystems.

I was reading the book and it says you can do full archival dumps by
"creating a new AMANDA configuration with its own set of tapes". This sounds
similar to what I want to do but not exactly. Does this mean create a whole
'nother instance of AMANDA in some other directory(my guess), or just create
the "WeeklySet1" file? The way it sounds, one instance of a total AMANDA
configuration can only use one schedule set.

any other thoughts on this, too, are indeed welcome.


Wayne Byarlay
Purdue University Libraries

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