Re: [ADSM-L] SQL statement

2013-12-19 11:56:31
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] SQL statement
From: apaschal5 AT frontier DOT com <apaschal5 AT FRONTIER DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 08:54:31 -0800
Hi, Eric. You need to define how to join the tables.  In this case, a "where" 
condition like...

nodes.nodename = backups.nodename

Without that, you'll end up with a join table that has every combination of the 
rows of both tables.

Sent from my phone, so please excuse typos.

----- Reply message -----
From: "Loon, EJ van - SPLXM" <Eric-van.Loon AT KLM DOT COM>
Subject: [ADSM-L] SQL statement
Date: Thu, Dec 19, 2013 06:21

Hi guys!

I'm trying to make an SQL statement which uses the Nodes table and the
Backups table. It should do a count (*) from backups for files older
than 30 days but only when the Contact field starts with 'Airpas". Here
is what I got so far:

select nodes.node_name as "Nodename",count(*) as "Amount of backup files
older than 30 days" from nodes, backups where ((days(nodes.current_date)
- days(nodes.backup_date) >= 30)) and like 'Airpas%' and
backups.state='ACTIVE_VERSION' group by nodes.node_name

It's not correct and it probably has to do with the count(*) part,
because I don't know how you can specify that the count(*) is related to
the backups table.

Can somebody help me here please?

Thanks you very much in advance!

Kind regards,

Eric van Loon

AF/KLM Storage Engineering

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