[ADSM-L] sql help - v5 to v6 syntax

2013-10-03 08:33:02
Subject: [ADSM-L] sql help - v5 to v6 syntax
From: Richard Rhodes <rrhodes AT FIRSTENERGYCORP DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 08:31:01 -0400
A puzzle for a true db2/sql type person who would like to tackle a v5 to
v6 sql problem . . .

This does not work on v6.  I've played with it for quite some time and
can't come up with a v6 version.

This is an attempt to identify slow backups that may need attention.
These are backup sessions that:
    run in the past 24 hr  (1441 min)
    kb/s < 500  (less than 1/2 mb/s throughput)
    backup sessions took > 2.5hr (150 min)(slow sessions that aren't real
long are ok)

  dsmadmc -se=$tsm -id=$adminid -password=$adminpwd -noc  <<EOD
    select entity, -
           cast(bytes/1024/1024 as decimal(9,0)), -
           activity, -
           cast((end_time - start_time)hours as decimal(12,1)), -
           cast(cast(bytes/1024 as decimal(15,3)) / cast((end_time -
start_time)second as decimal(15,3)) as decimal(15,1)), -
           cast(nodes.client_version as char) -
             || '.' -
             || cast(nodes.client_release as char) -
             || '.' -
             || cast(nodes.client_level as char) -
             || '.' -
             || cast(nodes.client_sublevel as char(2))  -
      from summary, nodes -
      where summary.entity = nodes.node_name -
        and activity = 'BACKUP' -
        and cast((current_timestamp - end_time)minute  as decimal(5,0)) <
1441 -
        and cast(cast(bytes/1024 as decimal(15,3)) / cast((end_time -
start_time)second as decimal(15,3)) as decimal(15,1)) < 500 -
        and cast((end_time - start_time)minute as decimal(12,1)) \> 150 -
      order by 1

The V5 report output looks like this:

>slow backups:  duration > 2.5hr  and  throughput < 500k/s

>server  mb  activity  duration-hr  throughput-k/s

>xxx1                   0     BACKUP  2.0  0.0
>yyy2               19461     BACKUP 66.0 83.6
>zzz3                1389     BACKUP  2.0 51.6
>www4                2216     BACKUP  6.0 98.1

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