Re: AIX Bare Metal Recovery - A cautionary tale

2006-09-14 04:29:17
Subject: Re: AIX Bare Metal Recovery - A cautionary tale
From: Stef Coene <stef.coene AT DOCUM DOT ORG>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 10:27:43 +0200
On Thursday 14 September 2006 06:22, Steven Harris wrote:
> Lessons:
> 1. Always keep a green screen terminal on hand - actually a null modem
> cable into hyperterm would have done the trick.
> 2. AIX 5.2 and above require you to generate a new boot CD after every
> maintenance update.
> 3. If you use the Atape driver, the generated boot cd is not usable.  I
> would suggest that Atape users should order a refresh of their install
> CDs with every maintenance update they do.
> 4. test your recovery procedures before you need to.  At least in this
> case production was not affected.
Nice story ;)

And number 5. learn how to use nim.  What you could have done is making the
SAP machine a nim master and restore the QA over the network.
I once recovered a machine by booting it over the network with nim with the
nim server located on an other site, connected with a vpn ;)


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