Re: Select for archive size

2005-08-08 10:56:39
Subject: Re: Select for archive size
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 10:55:59 -0400
On Aug 8, 2005, at 10:31 AM, Stefan Holzwarth wrote:

Hi *SM-ers,

some time ago i setup a dedicated TSM node for archiving of all
kind of data
from different users.
Each archive is generated with an (internal) unique ID in the
field under the same "archive-node". Sometimes the different
archives come
from the same filespace because we use a central networkshare for
of files to archive.
Now our users should pay for their archives. So i started searching
for an
select statement that gives me the size of an single archive (as in
the gui
when you estimate retrieve size).

The problem is that the archives table shows no size information
and the
dsmc.exe has no estimate retrieve for automation...

Stefan -

There is no inherent capability for listing stored file sizes from
TSM server queries: what it shows, in the Contents table FILE_SIZE is
the Aggregate size; and that equals the file size only if the file is
as large as or larger than an Aggregate. You'll need to acquire sizes
via client-side queries, as for example performed through a Perl script.

The TSM accounting records could be used to charge for Archive and
Retrieve, in that they record username; but there is no like
accounting of deletion/expiration, to balance the books from that

On a go-forward basis, it may be feasible in your environment to have
all archiving occur through an interface script which would charge
per observed file sizes involved in Archive, Retrieve, and Delete.

   Richard Sims

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