When Defining Script ...

2005-01-27 14:52:09
Subject: When Defining Script ...
From: Sung Y Lee <sunglee AT US.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 14:51:48 -0500

Yesterday Guillaume Gilbert posted some very nice select statements.  Of
course I am always looking out for cool statements. BTW thx for that.

As I found it worthy.. I decided to added it to the TSM server.

define script sessioninfo "select cast(session_id as decimal(7,0)) as
"Session", client_name as "Client", cast(left(client_platform,10) as
char(10)) as "Platform", cast(left(state,5) as char(5)) as "State",
cast(wait_seconds as decimal(9,0)) as "Wait secs", time(start_time) as
"Start time",cast(bytes_received/1024/1024 as decimal(10,2)) as "MBytes
rcvd", cast(bytes_received/1024/cast((current_timestamp-start_time)seconds
as decimal(10,0)) as decimal(7,2)) as "KB/Sec" from sessions where
session_type='Node'" description='session info'

When I ran this command I kept getting code 3.   ANS8001I.  No info. found
on help.

After I tried for a while I decided to use the file method.
Created a file called sessioninfo with just the select statement inside of

define script sessioninfo file=/home/sunglee/sessioninfo
description='session info' and worked.

Now if I understood correctly.. there is a limit on how long the line can
be if you are doing remote dsmadmc.  Since I am using it locally there
shouldn't be any limit... or is there?
What am I do wrong?  Thanks,

Sung Y. Lee
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