Re: AIX 4.3 server with TSM client error with command line

2004-07-15 08:06:45
Subject: Re: AIX 4.3 server with TSM client error with command line
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 08:06:19 -0400
>When I launch the dsmc command I got this message ...
>ANS0101E NLInit: Unable to open message repository
>I'm using the english version of the TSM client
>I can do a manual incremental backup and restore .... but if I do a backup
>with the scheduler.. it doesn't work .... can it be because of that
>message ?????
>help ... thanks ....
>what is the easy way to see the default language of my server .....

Luc -

Some possibilities...

You didn't specify how you manually invoke the backup, and methods can make all
the difference.  If you consult the (Windows) client manual, Language option,
you'll see that US English may be a forced default under some circumstances,
overriding other factors.  In the Unix client manual, see handling of language
under topic "Setting language environment variables", where the Unix environment
allows language to be inferred, without a Language client option.  (And note
that it says that French/Canada is an unsupported language/locale combination,
causing a default to English (United States).)

Use 'dsmc q opt' to check your client Language setting.

LANGuage server option, query:          'Query OPTion'

If invoking dsm or dsmc to manually run the client, you probably don't specify
the full path of the executable, whereas whe invocation of the client schedule
probably does; and in such circumstances there is the possibility of invoking
separate executables, perhaps from different installs, involving different

Another possibility in Unix is that some odd element is setting an environment
variable for that LANG: you can use PRESchedulecmd to try to test for that, as
in capturing 'printenv' output.  If you can't find the cause, you may want to
set up a shell script wrapper for the schedule and therein set the LANG.  I
don't see "fr_CA" mentioned as an installable language pack or choice in the
current Unix client manual, so that LANG may well be a local environmental
being injected somewhere.

  Richard Sims

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