Re: Reclaim failing on off-site copy pool

2003-10-14 11:25:21
Subject: Re: Reclaim failing on off-site copy pool
From: Ted Byrne <ted.byrne AT ADELPHIA DOT NET>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 11:23:13 -0400
At 10:45 AM 10/14/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Ran it at 70

Karel's suggestion is good - start with a higher number.  Your offsite
volumes' data is most likely spread across many onsite volumes.  This can
cause offsite reclamation to take a very long time if your threshold is set
too low.

Also, any unavailable volumes?  That can cause problems with reclamation.

You might want to define the script shown below - it can give you a handle
on how best to set your reclamation thresholds.  Substitute the reclamation
threshold value and stgpool name that you want to check on.

HTH - Ted

Script name:    q_reclaim_stg
Invoke with:    run q_reclaim_stg <pct> <stgpool_name>

SELECT stgpool_name as "Pool", -
       count(volume_name) as "No. Volumes", -
       cast(sum(cast((est_capacity_mb/(2**10)* -
       (pct_utilized/100)) -
       as decimal(5,1))) as decimal(5,1)) -
       as "GB Reclaimable" -
FROM   volumes -
WHERE  pct_reclaim>$1 -
AND    lower(stgpool_name)=lower('$2') -
GROUP BY stgpool_name
SELECT cast(trim(volume_name) as char(10))  -
       as "Volume", -
       pct_reclaim as "Recl.", -
       pct_utilized as "Pct Used", -
       cast(status as char(12)) -
       as "Status", -
       cast((est_capacity_mb/(2**10)* -
       (pct_utilized/100)) -
       as decimal(5,1)) -
       as "GB Used", -
       stgpool_name as "Pool" -
FROM   volumes -
WHERE  pct_reclaim>$1 -
AND    lower(stgpool_name)=lower('$2') -
ORDER BY "Status", "GB Used"

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