Re: Export order

2003-07-25 10:43:00
Subject: Re: Export order
From: Nicholas Cassimatis <nickpc AT US.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 10:42:26 -0400

How about putting in the tapes, 20 at a time (or however many you want to
do) and perform a "move nodedata" from them to tapes in the library.  Then
check out the "old" tapes, put in a new set, and do the same thing.  That
way you control what tapes are needed, and when, and the usage of your
drives.  Then the export will run from (hopefully) just a few source tapes.

Nick Cassimatis
nickpc AT DOT com

Think twice, type once.

                      Tab Trepagnier
                      <Tab.Trepagnier@L        To:       ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST 
                      AITRAM.COM>              cc:
                      Sent by: "ADSM:          Subject:  Export order
                      Dist Stor
                      <[email protected]

                      07/23/2003 04:23
                      Please respond to
                      "ADSM: Dist Stor

TSM Server on AIX 4.3.3
Admin client both on Win32 and AIX
Client data originally written by IRIX client

I am preparing to export permanent archives from an old IRIX node to DLT.
The source data is spread across 75 DLTs in a primary storage pool.  Those
tapes contain the contents of one filespace, but were written across a
four year period.  All tapes are out of the library - they're in a box in
my office.

I will only be able to load the source library with about 20 tapes at a

A preview export is not practical because poor archived directory handling
by old ADSM versions and ADSM clients that followed circular links have
generated *billions* of objects in that filespace.  I discovered that last
week when I ran Expire Inventory with Skipdir=NO.  I killed the process
after 3 days during which it had examined 1/2 Billion objects for this one
node/filespace alone, deleting approx 1 in 1500.

What I need is the expected sequence that TSM will load the source tapes
to obtain files for export.

Is it by last written date?  If yes, then new to old, or old to new?
Is it by volume name?
Is it by quantity of data?  If yes, high to low, or low to high?


In other words, I need to be able to load about 20 tapes in the source
library confident that they will supply all required data overnight so I
can load the correct next set the following day, until all 75 tapes have
been processed.


Tab Trepagnier
TSM Administrator
Laitram LLC

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