Re: archive retention - quick question!!

2003-03-06 10:40:11
Subject: Re: archive retention - quick question!!
From: Jurjen Oskam <jurjen AT QUADPRO.STUPENDOUS DOT ORG>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 16:39:33 +0100
On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 03:26:16PM +0100, Ruddy STOUDER wrote:

> There is a contradiction in the admin. Guide :

Maybe, but not in the pieces you quoted. :-)

> => Here : No rebinding is done .


> => Here : If you change the mgmt class, the server uses the new mgmt
> class
> to manage the archive

Your description isn't entirely correct, hence the misunderstanding.

> What is the real behaviour ?

Suppose file "A" is archived and bound to management class MC_A. MC_A
specifies a retention period of 10 days.

Five days after you archived file "A", you decide you want to extend the
retention period. You change management class MC_A to specify a retention
period of 20 days. The file "A" is still bound to MC_A. That will never
change (only exception: you delete management class MC_A). Because you
changed MC_A, the file "A" will be expired after 20 days, *but*
since you've changed MC_A, *all other* archives bound to MC_A will *also*
be kept longer. You cannot get TSM to apply special rules just for file
"A", the changes you make apply to *all* archived files with management
class MC_A.

Jurjen Oskam

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