Re: Performance

2002-06-26 09:23:01
Subject: Re: Performance
From: Miles Purdy <PURDYM AT FIPD.GC DOT CA>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 08:20:45 -0500
you already have a decent box, I wouldn't think that CPU could be an issue. Is 
user+system > 80%? or is iowait > 80%? This is an important difference.

Depending on file caching, more memory is always a good upgrade.

Then I would look at your I/O adapters, SCSI, SSA, etc. Adding more is good, 
proper placement is better. Adding more physical disks, can increase 
performance also.

I second I/O drawer may be a good investment, if you need that many PCI slots.

Run 'iostat 60', or 'vmstat 60' so we can see what is going on.


Miles Purdy 
Miles Purdy 
System Manager
Farm Income Programs Directorate
Winnipeg, MB, CA
purdym AT fipd.gc DOT ca
ph: (204) 984-1602 fax: (204) 983-7557

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Hi all,

a question about increasing the performance of my TSM-Server:

TSM-Server : IBM H80 ( 2-way RS64III-450MHz-processor, 2GB memory ), AIX
4.3.3 , TSM 4.1.4

I see with the monitor-tool that my server has over a longer period a
cpu-utilization of more than 80%. This server only handles TSM, no other
task. But there is a lot of data-transfer from backup-pools to copy-pools
and from disk-pool to tape-pool (150 GB disk-pool, data-transfer to
copy-pool about 800 GB per day).

I have some money left for increasing the performance : Does TSM support and
use a second processor ?

Thanks for help

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