Re: q libv showed 'private' STATUS but blank LAST_USE

2002-06-05 17:26:48
Subject: Re: q libv showed 'private' STATUS but blank LAST_USE
From: Nicholas Cassimatis <nickpc AT US.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 17:24:58 -0400
If TSM tried to pull them from scratch to private to use in a pool, and the
drive problem happened, then TSM will mark them as Private as to not use
them as scratch again.  If this is the case, you can just update them back
to scratch - "update libvol libraryname volumename stat=scratch" for each
tape.  This behavior is the same as marking an already in use tape as

Nick Cassimatis
nickpc AT DOT com

Today is the tomorrow of yesterday.