Re: passwordaccess generate

2002-05-29 02:11:02
Subject: Re: passwordaccess generate
From: Rainer Tammer <tsm AT SPG.SCHULERGROUP DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 08:09:09 +0200
you are hit by the "0" byte password bug...

Your encrypted password is stored in a file. If the encrypted password
contains a "0" byte than some TSM clients are not able to handle this.

This bug is fixed in the newer clients.


  Rainer Tammer


DCF Document ID: 1049593 - IBM Tivoli Storage Manager: PASSWORDACCESS GENERATE 
Continually prompts for the password.
Problem Desc: APAR IC31516 "Passwordaccess Generate" does not work if 
encryption of the password causes a zero byte to be part of the password.

Solution: This is covered in APAR IC31516.

When using "passwordaccess generate", a password record is formed
for writing to the "tsm.pwd" file. The password record consists
of the userid, servername, nodename, and the encrypted password.
All parts of the password record are written as a string and the
encrypted password will fail to be written correctly if the
string contains a 0-byte within it.
For example, if the encrypted password string is:
"D8 D6 BD 00 94 26 CB 11 7F" when it is written to the
password record, it is truncated at the 0-byte to "D8 D6 BD"
and is thus incorrect within the "tsm.pwd".

This problem will only occur with "passwordaccess generate"
and the password encryption scheme results in a "0" symbol
within it. Since the password is incorrect in the "tsm.pwd" file,
the user will be prompted for the password even if it was
already set using "passwordaccess generate".

Local Fix:

Use a different nodename and/or password so the encryption
scheme will generate a different encryption string that does
not contain a "0" within it.

To ensure the password is different use a number as part of the password.


To alleviate this issue, set the password on the TSM server to a different 
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