Re: Restoring multiple filesets from command line.

2002-01-10 10:09:28
Subject: Re: Restoring multiple filesets from command line.
From: "Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)" <cookde AT BP DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 09:06:51 -0600
You will find that command line objects are specific at the file system
        and since the "restore" command gives you the ability to ~rename~
the file (aka restore to a different location)
        you can only process one item (at most one file system) at a time

        restore sorcefilespec <destinationfilespec>
but nothing will stop you from doing something like
        nohup dsmc restore -pass=blah -subdir=yes /home/* &
        nohup dsmc restore -pass=blah -subdir=yes /someotherfilesystem/* &
        nohup dsmc restore -pass=blah -subdir=yes /someotherfilesystem_etc/*

OK and yes, in actuality those "*" would cause a problem and would need to
be ~escaped~ or just left off for the command to be processed properly under
a "ksh"...


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