Re: Version 3.1 client on HPUX 10.2

2001-11-16 10:12:54
Subject: Re: Version 3.1 client on HPUX 10.2
From: Thierry ITTY <thierry.itty AT BESANCON DOT ORG>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 10:12:54 -0500
A 09:07 16/11/01 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>Does anyone out there run TSM v 3.1 on an HPUX 10.2 client?
>We have to HPUX 10.2 boxes here that for some reason we can't upgrade to
>later versions. (the only version that will run is v 3.1)
>We can successfully run scheduled backups with  one of them.  But the other
>will not get contacted by the server when the schedule is supposed to run.
>I tried using polling and prompted on both servers but still no success.

I use adsm v3.1 clients on hp-ux boxes, and it works fine. 
but i don't use adsm scheduler, backups are "job-managed".
hints : 
is your scheduler running on the machine ?
is it "open" (do a "netstat" to see if it is actually listening) ?
is there no network filter between the client and the server ?

                        - * - * - * - * - * - * -
Bien sûr que je suis perfectionniste !
Mais ne pourrais-je pas l'être mieux ?
        Thierry ITTY
eMail : Thierry.Itty AT Besancon DOT org               FRANCE
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