Re: Netware Problem

2001-09-23 07:37:33
Subject: Re: Netware Problem
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 07:34:51 -0400
>I have a Netware 5.1 with client Tsm 4.2.0 when the scheduler run I got
>the message:
>     09/18/2001 22:46:03 (TSA500.NLM 5.4 313) A file cannot be read.
>And nothing else happen (nothing else in my dsmerror.log), just get
>that client is missed.

What about the main body of your backup log: does it show getting up
to a certain file and failing?  If nothing else, you could try
running the backup manually to try to determine the file.
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