Re: Oracle/NT TDP question - DOC is wrong!

2000-12-08 15:52:46
Subject: Re: Oracle/NT TDP question - DOC is wrong!
From: Phillip Guan <pguan AT SANSIA DOT NET>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 12:54:47 -0800
Here is the text of the APAR to fix the problem.

APAR= IC27152         DOC
APAR= IC27152         DOC

* USERS AFFECTED: TDP for Oracle for Windows*
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:Numerous errors found in this*
* publication, as described in the PROBLEM CONCLUSION: section.*
* RECOMMENDATION: Correct all errors indicated in APAR, as soon*
* as possible.*
PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Listed below are the problems and
their corrections (in quotes):
1. First of all our readme file says this.
>No environment variables are required for use with TDP for
Oracle and their use is NOT RECOMMENDED.
If you want to use the dsm.opt file from a locationother
than the default location, use environment variable
"The readme is correct. The following has been added the book:
"Environment variables are not required for use with TDP for
Oracle. However, if environment variables are used, consider
the following information."
2. There needs to be some correspondence between the readme and
the book regarding the environment variables.
"See revision/correction in #1."
3. On page 7 it describes the installation procedure. Step 3
says "Click Finish to complete the setup" If you go through
the install after completed step2, you are not presented
with a Finish button, you must select Next a few times
including a section of selecting an installation directory.
"Step 3 is revised as follows: Follow the prompts until
the installation is completed."
4. Page 8 is titled Defining Environment Variables. Itshould
talk about the differences between Oracle 7 andOracle 8.
There is an example for one of the environment variables,
 but it should show the syntax in each example.Also,
regarding the set option, it should specify that thismust be
placed in a command script.
"After consulting with Development, it was concluded that
there are nosignificant differences between Oracle7 and
and Oracle8 worthy of describingin this section. However, the
following example syntax for DSMI_LOG was revised toinclude
Oracle7 and Oracle8 examples as follows:
For example, if the error log directory is c:\agentorc, enter:
For Oracle7:
set DSMI_LOG=c:\agentorc
For Oracle8:
RMAN> allocate channel
c1 type 'sbt_tape' parms
5. On Page 18, everything is wrong.
To setup RMAN with TDP for Oracle on Oracle8:
1. Link RMAN with TDP for Oracle. Before relinking, make
sure that no other Oracle process is running. Shut down
all the databases and listeners, and so forth.
 The following is a example of linking the Oracle8
 objects with the TivoliDataProtection library:
   *c:> cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
*c:> make -f LLIBMM=/usr/lib/libobk.aioracle
Verify that the relinking process completes.
To use RMAN with TDP for Oracle on Oracle8 Version 8.1.5:
1. Shut down all Oracle instances that useORACLE_HOME
2. Remove the symbolic link:
*rm $ORACLE_HOME/lib/
*Note: This example uses .so for the shared library suffix.
*If the shared library suffix on your platform is not .so,
*modify the filenames in these examples to match your
*shared library suffix.
3. Symbolically link the library file to
*ln -s /usr/lib/ &ORACLE_HOME/lib/
4. Start the Oracle instances.
The items preceeded by an asterisk (*) are ONLY done on
a UNIX system.
"This section ("Setting Up RMAN") has been removedbecause it
does not pertain to Windows NT. This linking is done internally
(due to Oracle requirements)and is not performed by the user.
The "Using RMAN" section has been renamed "Invoking RMAN."
6. On Page 19 these instructions are not valid.
To get a TSM trace, add these options to your dsm.opt file:
c: temp trace.out traceflag api api_detail pid
There must be separate lines for TRACEFILE and TRACEFLAG
"The TRACEFILE and TRACEFLAG example has been placed on separate
lines as follows:
traceflag api api_detail pid
7.  On page 21 these instructions are not valid.
If You Cannot Start TDP for Oracle:
If you encounter a problem while using TDP for Oracle or if
youcannot start TDP for Oracle, collect the following
*The dsm.sys file
*The dsm.opt file
*The dsmo.env file that demonstrates your use of
environment variables.
To create the dsmo.env file, enter:
First of all the dsm.sys file only exists on Unix systems.
Second the syntax describing how to generate thedsmo.env
will on work on a Unix system.
"The following text (which was UNIX specific) has been removed:
If you encounter a problem while using TDP for Oracle or if
youcannot start TDP for Oracle, collect the following
*The dsm.sys file
*The dsm.opt file
*The dsmo.env file that demonstrates your use ofenvironment
To create the dsmo.env file, enter:
set | grep DSMI > dsmo.env
set | grep DSMO >> dsmo.env"
8. On page 24 the sample schedule is an example for Unix:
def sched PolicyA1 daily_orcbkup desc="07Daily Online DB Back
action=command objects="/home/PolicyA1/sched/bkdb"
starttime=21:00 duration=15 duru=minutes period=1 perunits=
"The following Win NT example (modified from the ADSM Connect
Agent NTversion) has been added:
 def sched PolicyA1 daily_orcbkup desc="07Daily Online DB Backup
 action=command objects="d:\adsm\agentoba\sched\orcsched.cmd"
starttime=21:00 duration=15 duru=minutes period=1 perunits=day
day_of week=any"
9.  On page 26 the sample to install the scheduler service is
dsmcutil inst /name:"TSM Oracle Bkup Scheduler"
>/node:rangoon /password:rangoon /autostart:yes
>/clientdir:d: "program files" tivoli tsm baclient
>/optfile:d:"program files" tivoli tsm TDPoracle dsm.opt
The double quotes should encompass the entire long file name
Also there should be a ' ' after d: in the /optfile line (d:
"The following example has replaced the version in the book:
 dsmcutil inst /name:"TSM Oracle Bkup Scheduler"
/node:rangoon /password:rangoon /autostart:yes
/clientdir:"d:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient"
 /optfile:"d:\program files\tivoli\tsm\TDPoracle\dsm.opt"

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