To replace full tapes with scratch tapes on 3570

2000-12-07 22:52:41
Subject: To replace full tapes with scratch tapes on 3570
From: ameerul madzali <ameerulm AT HOTMAIL DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 03:53:09 -0000
Hi all,
i have a TSM on Aix 4.3.3 attached to a Magstar MP3570 C01 (1

There are 19 slots for the tapes. Lets say there are 5 of the tapes which
are marked as 'full'. Is it possible for me to unload the tapes from the
3570 and label new scratch tapes in its place while waiting for the full
tape contents to expire/reclaim. When reclaim request comes, then only load
back the 'full' tapes for the process.

What should i do/commands to run to enable this to happen? Will there be any
problems later on?

Thank u in advance.
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