Re: adsm grumbles -- some vm (3.1) and some (win) client (3.7)

1999-10-29 07:32:34
Subject: Re: adsm grumbles -- some vm (3.1) and some (win) client (3.7)
From: Kirsten Gloeer <Kirsten.Gloeer AT RZ.UNI-KARLSRUHE DOT DE>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:32:34 +0200

>5.  (all platform) backup client (all versions) keeps a tape mounted
>    on (VM server, all versions) after a restore ... until
>    the backup client is exited.  Server "Mount Retention" should be
>    honored, starting with the end of a restore action, not end of a
>    client-server session.  That a tape is mounted for a client is not
>    visible at the client, even if s/he were there to take action
>    (many restores are started just before the owner leaves for the day).

With TSM 3.7 there is the new node parameter KEEPMP. If KEEPMP is set
to NO, the tape will be unounted for another process even if the client
who requests this tape resides in Idle state.

Best regards,
Kirsten Gloeer
Kirsten Gloeer                  e-mail: gloeer AT rz.uni-karlsruhe DOT de
Kirsten Gloeer                  e-mail: gloeer AT rz.uni-karlsruhe DOT de
University of Karlsruhe         Phone:  +49 721 608-6156
Computing Center                Fax:    +49 721 32550
Zirkel 2
76131 Karlsruhe