Another ADSM Exchange Connect Agent question...

1999-10-26 09:57:15
Subject: Another ADSM Exchange Connect Agent question...
From: Nathan King <nathan.king AT USAA DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 08:57:15 -0500
We have a number of Exchange Servers located on remote sites which
communicate to the ADSM Servers in the Home Office via WAN links.

In the past these Exchange Server backed up to an ADSM Server on MVS OE.
However during the weekend we moved the backups to an RS/6000 based AIX ADSM

When we did this the network util % on the WAN link hit 99%. While it's nice
to use all your bandwidth, it's not so good when it's at the expense of all
your other users on this WAN Link. (i believe the wan link is multiple T1's)

I believe this is because IP is much more efficent on the Rs/6000 than on
MVS. However I'm now in the unusual position of wanting to reduce the amount
of bandwidth that the Connect Agent is trying to use. I'm wondering what
settings I can use to achieve this. The first thing that comes to mind is to
reduce the number of buffers and perhaps the size of the buffers. Currently
they are set to 8,640. Will changing this reduce the IP load?

TCPWindowsize is set to 63 and TCPBuffersize 32.



Nathan King
Open Systems Storage Management
*  (210) 913-5755
* Pager: 753-5755
* E-mail: nathan.king AT usaa DOT com

The opinions herein are mine and almost certainly do not reflect those of my
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