Re: NDMP support in ADSM?

1999-08-06 12:51:11
Subject: Re: NDMP support in ADSM?
From: Neal Adams <neal AT SLAC.STANFORD DOT EDU>
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 09:51:11 -0700
Thanks Alan. In March there was mention of a beta version client for NDMP due
out in 6 months. Maybe that means we'll see it in September. Has there been any
further word on this? IBM/Tivoli, any news? Maybe someone can pose the question
again at the ISSS in Las Vegas, NV next week. I won't be able to attend this
year otherwise I'd ask. :-) IF the question does come up can someone post the
answer to this list? Thanks!

>>Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999 21:19:17 +0100
>>From: "Alan R. White" <arw AT TIPPER.DEMON.CO DOT UK>
>>Subject: Re: NDMP support in ADSM?
>>MIME-version: 1.0
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>>The short answer is there's no NDMP in ADSM.....yet. There seems to be a lot
>>of demand for this and I would encourage all those who have filers to
>>request this through their sales channel as a Design Change Request. The
>>more who ask, the more chance there is the marketing folks will perceive a
>>revenue opportunity, i.e. more customers might buy ADSM.
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: Neal Adams <neal AT SLAC.STANFORD DOT EDU>
>>Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 1999 9:30 PM
>>Subject: NDMP support in ADSM?
>>> Hi,
>>> Any word on ADSM support for NDMP? We have a few NetApp filers (not as
>>many as
>>> our friend Michelle at Synopsis) and a Mirapoint mail server. Mirapoint
>>does not
>>> yet support NDMP but are supposedly pursuing it. I couldn't find any
>>> to NDMP support in the ADSM/IBM/Tivoli web pages so I thought I'd ask my
>>> dear friends in ADSM-L land. So, any word?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Neal
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