Re: Relabeling tapes?

1998-12-21 23:19:20
Subject: Re: Relabeling tapes?
From: Ray Pratts <pratts AT IBM DOT NET>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 22:19:20 -0600

You are stuck.  ADSM will not overwrite a label if the existing label or
the new label are already defined to any ADSM storage pool.  So since
000001 is in use you'll first have to move the data off of the first
000001 before you can label the second 000001 to something else. This
holds true for all the tapes in the first batch.  I'm not sure you have
any other choice, other than having your tape distributor exchange the

Ronnie Ignacio wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm having trouble re-labeling volumes for our ADSM. We received 
> two-300-batches of pre-labeled tapes, and we
> didn't realize that all batches have the same labels. I started using the 
> first batch 2 months ago, and when I
> opened the second batch, I was surprised to see that they have the same 
> labels as the first one. So I removed
> the old labels on the tapes, and put a new labels on them. I was able to load 
> the volumes on the library but
> when I tried to label the tape using the command below:
>         label libv magstar1 600000 devtype=3590 overwrite=yes
> I got the following error: ANR8808E could not write label 600000 because that 
> volume is already labelled with
> 000001 which is still defined in a storage pool or volume history. The 
> reference book recommends that I should
> remove the 000001 from where its defined, which I could not because theres 
> already a data on it. I can move
> the data from the volume and then remove it, but I have to do it for all 300 
> volumes. I'd like to do this as a last
> resort. I tried using the search, barcode parameters but to no avail.
> It seems like ADSM is reading the tapes internal label. How can I 'dummy-out' 
> the internal label?
> My ADSM environment is AIX 4.2.1. and ADSM version Our tape library 
> is IBM 3494.
> Any recommendation will be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Ron

Ray Pratts              Pinnacle Computer Solutions Corp.
Ray Pratts              Pinnacle Computer Solutions Corp.
Tel. 281-893-3249       rpratts AT pinnaclecs DOT com
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