Backup schedule thru ESP

1998-04-21 15:54:58
Subject: Backup schedule thru ESP
From: Pete Tanenhaus <tanenhau AT US.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 15:54:58 -0400
Try running the following batch file with the NT AT command.

Comments should be self explanatory.

Hope this helps ....

Pete Tanenhaus, ADSM NT Client Development
REM This is an example command file which can be used to
REM This is an example command file which can be used to
REM run ADSM non-interactively via the NT AT command.
REM The NT Scheduler service must be started on the target
REM machine (PTDC1) in this case.
REM This sample assumes that ADSM exists in the c:\adsm
REM directory. This information should be changed to
REM match your local configuration.
REM Note that the ADSM password must be specified
REM either via the -password option or previously
REM generated with the -passwordAcc=Gen option as
REM shown below for this example to work.
REM This file can be scheduled to run every day at 1:00am
REM by issuing the following command on a computer
REM named PDC:
REM      AT \\PDC 1:00 /every:m,t,w,th,f,s,su c:\adsm\adsmrun.cmd
REM Note the schedule service must be started on the machine
REM where the command is to be run.
cd \adsm
erase *.log
dsmc incr -runAsService=Yes -passwordacc=gen 1>stdout.log 2>stderr.log

---------------------- Forwarded by Pete Tanenhaus/San Jose/IBM on 04/21/98
12:32 PM ---------------------------

ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU on 04/21/98 12:13:15 PM
Please respond to ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU
Subject: Backup schedule thru ESP

ADSM server -  NT 4.0 SP3
          ADSM 3.1.2
Distributed server - NT 4.0 SP3
                Oracle Dbase

Is anyone using ESP workload manager extension for Windows NT V1.1 to start
an incremental backup. We are trying to coordinate the following:
1. Mainframe runs a job on CIS
2. next we need a batch job on NT distributed server to run
3. then ADSM backup to run - which I have pre and post schedule commands to
shut down and restart Oracle dbases
4. then another batch job on NT distributed server

We would like to use ESP to schedule all of this. My question is how to
start an incremental via bat file, when user not logged on to NT server. I
have a bat file that works while logged on , but how can I get the ESP
agent to execute bat file to start incremental. (Does this make sense??)
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