Re: Maximum recovery log capacity?

1998-03-20 08:35:48
Subject: Re: Maximum recovery log capacity?
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 08:35:48 -0500
>This limit is too small. We backup our database each day and we come near the
>limit with the size of our logfile!

Once a day is not enough for an active shop.  The size of the Recovery Log is
intentionally limited because you don't want a huge amount of transaction data
piled up.  Consider how much potential database rollforward data is "at risk"
for up to 24 hours until the next database backup.  Larger shops typically do
a full db backup once a day, and incremental db backups during the day.
(Frequency and timing must be properly gauged, because db backups are top
priority ADSM tasks, and will pre-empt other running processes to take a tape
drive.)  Refer to the Admin Guide discussion of database recovery, and
particularly 'Set LOGMode' and DBBackuptrigger.
       Richard Sims, Boston University OIT
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