Re: start after reboot

1997-09-24 06:41:47
Subject: Re: start after reboot
From: Steven P Roder <tkssteve AT ACSU.BUFFALO DOT EDU>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 06:41:47 -0400
On Wed, 24 Sep 1997, Bernd Knaak wrote:
> Hi all (running ADSM-Server on SUN solaris)
> what is the best way to start an adsm-server after system reboot?
> In the manual "Quick Start Version 2" for Sun Solaris is the description
> to start the server manually, no information how to do it
> automatically.

Here is my startup script in /etc/init.d, which then needs a link pointing
at it in /etc/rc2.d with a name like S88adsm.  At system startup, init
will execute all Snnblah scripts, passing "start" to them, in "Snn" order.
During shutdown, the scripts are processed in reverse order with "stop"
arguments (actually, shutdown is not quite this way, but this should
suffice for explanation's sake).  With these scripts, you can also
stop/start the server via, as root, "/etc/rc2.d/S88adsm start" and
"/etc/rc2.d/S88adsm stop".  This is the same concept that should be used
in your Solaris clients, except they would run something like
"/usr/sbin/dsmc sched -quiet -pass=password &"  (-pass can be eliminated
by using passwordaccess generate in dsm.sys, and setting the node's
password by interactively running dsmc as root).

#ident  "@(#)adsm   11/27/06 SPR"

case "$1" in
        if [ -f /opt/IBMadsm-s/bin/dsmserv ]; then
                echo "ADSM starting."
                cd  /opt/IBMadsm-s/bin
                /opt/IBMadsm-s/bin/dsmserv &
                echo "Stopping ADSM service."
                /opt/IBMDSMba5/dsmadmc -id=admin -pa=admin halt
        echo "Usage: /etc/rc2.d/S88adsm { start | stop }"
exit 0

Steve (unVMix Systems Programmer/Dude) Roder
(tkssteve AT DOT edu | tkssteve AT acsu.buffalo DOT edu | 
(716)645-3564 ,
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