Re: Linux supported by ADSM ?

1997-09-03 09:28:57
Subject: Re: Linux supported by ADSM ?
From: Joe Morris <morris AT UNC DOT EDU>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 1997 09:28:57 -0400
On Wed, 3 Sep 1997, Ole Holm Nielsen wrote:

| Linux machines are getting more and more widespread in our
| organization, and we need to back them up to our ADSM server.  I seem
| to recall that the SCO UNIX ADSM client could be tweaked to support
| Linux, but I cannot find the HowTo information anywhere.  Can anyone
| send me the latest HowTo ?

Check out our website.  There is a mini-HOWTO on this...

I have not had a chance to try this out myself.  Would appreciate
knowledge on your success (and failures) with the procedure.

| In fact, I would urge the ADSM developers to make an ADSM package
| suitable for installation on Linux.  We're particularly interested in
| the RedHat Linux RPM package format, since RedHat has become the most
| popular Linux version here.

That would be VERY cool.  :)  We use RedHat extensively here.

Joe Morris  -  morris AT unc DOT edu  -
Academic Technology and Networks (formerly OIT), Development
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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