Re: ADSM and DFS

1997-01-17 05:01:24
Subject: Re: ADSM and DFS
From: Rainer Strunz <Rainer.Strunz AT LRZ-MUENCHEN DOT DE>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 11:01:24 +0100
> Our other DCE cell has real DFS/LFS file systems.  We can't use ADSM for
> those.  We are anxiously awaiting R12 of the AIX ADSM server (due out in
> Feb.) that will provide real DFS support when using the AIX 2.1.6
> client.

You can still use ADSM to back up LFS DFS filesets via ADSM until you
really can switch to V2R1M6.

Simply establish LFS-mounts (see your manuals how to set up them using
the ordinary mount command) for your filesets and back up the contents
of the mounted filesets using the LFS-mount path.

Because you have to do this directly on the DFS file server you should
not have your users restored their files by themselves. They would have
to deal with too much difficulties - which is in fact in contrast to the
benefits DFS offers.

And, of course, you will loose the DFS ACLs. But you get the chance to
restore files that would have been lost otherwise - and make users happy.

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