Re: Monitoring ADSM using MVS server

1996-08-02 12:37:22
Subject: Re: Monitoring ADSM using MVS server
From: Chet Martel <cmartel AT PEACH.FRUIT DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 11:37:22 -0500
If we all RTFM when we were supposed to we wouldn't ever have any fun

At 07:30 AM 8/2/96 -0500, you wrote:
>First of all let me thank Jose and Wayne. The Q Event will
>take care of gross success/failure monitoring. The SMF will
>let us track the requisite metrics. Thank You, Thank You,
>Thank You. Secondly, let me appologize for wasting bandwidth
>on something that should have been more apparent had I done my
>homework better (or RTFM).
>Thanks again.
>// Bob Finnell  finnell AT erols DOT com
>// Rockville, MD
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