Re: Measure daily backuped data volume

1996-02-20 04:41:53
Subject: Re: Measure daily backuped data volume
From: Uwe Fischer <Uwe.Fischer AT RUS.UNI-STUTTGART DOT DE>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 10:41:53 +0100

According to Kirsten Gloeer:
> The Computing Center of the university of Karlsruhe (Germany) intends
> to measure the daily backuped data volume of each backup-archive-client.
> We are interested in any automatic approach to this task.
> Currently we intend to parse the dsmsched.log files of the
> backup-archive-clients. This solution is nor elegant nor easy
> to implement.
If you "SET ACCOUNTING ON", you 'll get a record per session reporting
on differnet items, one being "Amount of backup files, in kilobytes,
sent by the client to the server".
See ADSTAR Dist Storage Mgr for AIX V2 Admin Guide, page 64.

  Uwe Fischer          uwe.fischer AT rus.uni-stuttgart DOT de
  Uwe Fischer          uwe.fischer AT rus.uni-stuttgart DOT de

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