Restores on statellites

1994-08-05 17:57:59
Subject: Restores on statellites
From: MJ Lopatin <lopatin AT VNET.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 1994 14:57:59 PDT
>our Unix users work on workstations which have the home file systems
>mounted via NFS from a file server. The file server does the backup,
>but users are not allowed to login there.

>I am looking for a simple way to allow users to restore their files,
>something like telling the ADSM-server: "File system A on node P is
>the same as file system B on node Q; treat them equally, at least
>regarding restores."


  Look at the ADSM command line Set Access command or the GUI Utility
Set Authorization.  I think they are what you need.  On your server,
grant access to all files in the user's home directory on the server
to that user on their workstation.  The user can then restore
their home files themselves without ever having to logon to the
server.  Make sure the user uses the command line -fromnode and
-fromuser options, or the GUI Utility menu Set user/node option,
and fills in the server's node and the ID of the person who did
and fills in the server's node and the ID of the person who did
the backup.

  To grant the user access, on the server from the id that did the
backup, you'd need to create two access rules.  On the GUI screen,
they would look like this:

  Type   Node         User            Path
Backup   Usernode     User1           /homedir/*
Backup   Usernode     User1           /homedir/*
Backup   Usernode     User1           /homedir/*/*

These two should give the user access to all the backed up files from
his home directory on the server at his Usernode.

                      -- MJ Lopatin
                         ADSM Client Development
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